Sunday 25 June 2017


With Argentine regional elections now looming, the British Expat Association has issued a stark warning to president elect Macri regarding the continued free-floating position of the local currency, stating that unless they firmly re-take control of the peso, the country may slide into decline from it's previous grade A economic status as achieved by ex-president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.


"We are in a state of emergency. Whilst living costs have soared, blue dollar rates have mercilessly dropped into insignificance. It is estimated that an average British Expat family now has to spend upwards of US$800 to buy silverware, egyptian cotton bedding and other luxury products." Says Penelope Storkley. "That's not all, local figures suggest that sending three children to top private schools in Buenos Aires will now mean cuts in spending for expat family holidays, which may mean 5 instead of 6 trips a year, downgrading to four star accommodation and choosing less adventurous meals on the menu."

"We firmly believe the government has been ignoring the closing gap of the blue dollar, which simply shows us how short-sighted they can be" Claims Henry Buckingham-Wallace (BEA Chairman), who fears that the "Wonderful work of the last decade may soon be thrown to waste" if Macri continues to make changes that are "not carefully thought out and discussed in full with British Brigadeer Associates (BBG, a part of BEA)".


But the mood of the BEA may be on the cards for change with "optimism in the air", according to Rupert Sutton-Scottney, as senator-elect hopeful Christina Fernandez de Kirchner looks to make a come back to "put things right again" and "give the blue dollar back to the pueblo".
He believes that free-floating the local currency "made no sense at all" and that it was "a total unnecessary necessity as the locals don't need to travel abroad or purchase foreign products". In other matters he stated that he is  "extremely concerned" about the overhaul of the INDEC statistics bureau that Macri made in 2015, since it worked "perfectly well beforehand. The data is no longer reliable."

During the reign of Christina Kirchner, BEA made  over 25 requests for presidential audiences, all of which were denied. They hope that the current government doesn't continue to make the same mistake by alienating British minority groups, a move they warn could potentially lead to British fundamentalism or extremism (social and etiquette) in luxury neighbourhoods .

Shelly McGuinness, secretary of Royal British Horsegroups, believes that the devaluation made by Macri's government is "not the problem", and that the main issue is their continued inability and disinterest to ensure a 70% margin between the blue dollar and the official exchange rate. She believes there's "still time to achieve this margin which will surely spur the economy into growth for the foreseeable long term".

The BEA committee has voted to sanction Argentina if certain demands are not met, by banning viewing of the Queens speech over the festive period. Buckingham-Wallace hopes this will not happen and that they'll "come to their senses" soon. Locals have told BEA to fuck off.

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